
pupp og håndarbeid

Dad Mr.T has gone back to work today, so mum is now home alone with Olivia the baby for the first time....!
Everything has gotten much better since the last time I blogged, she sleeps better at night and we are slowly getting to know her better each day.
Olivia's main activity is eating and sleeping, she also likes to poop on her father while he changes her nappy (hehe!)
New pillowcase in the making, nice to dare to take my eyes of her long enough to actually engage in another activity;P


  1. so good to hear you are getting more sleep! And being able to sew something is a big deal with such a little baby! enjoy it all!

  2. Godt å høre at ting går bedre! Man kommer inn i rutiner etterhvert.

  3. De er så utrolig små i den der første perioden (selvsagt, hehe). Søøt :)

  4. we have the same situation here... Lots of sleeping and eating and pooping here, too. :D

    Lovely blog, just found you via Klein & OHO.
