I made more Easter eggs, these ones are a tad more "professional" (well it didn't take much to beat the other "eggs" I made;) I found a great receipt at www.pickles.no (a great site for those who like to make stuff;)
1st of May we are moving into a new flat, a bigger one so we have more space to work:D As you may have guessed I love decorating and interior design, so Im very much looking forwards to the move!! Reading a lot of interior magazines;)
Yesterday we bought a new sofa and two chairs from Finn.no:) (Picture from Finn.no)
Easter is coming soon and today I have made some Easter eggs (picture 1) the other pictures are from trips to different markeds I have been to this weekend. The lovely flowers are a gift from Anja♥
"Untitled" from the series "Half There" 2009 www.stinepettersen.com
I have not been blogging lately, so many things have happened that I don't even know where to start.. but I will be back, just need some time away from everything.
It's been many hours with retouching this week!! But im getting close to finishing! This is work I did in my first year in art-school in England, I think this was done in one of my "Cindy Sherman stages"..haha.. Ps: there is Munch again...whats up with Mr Edward and me??
We just got this sweet litte cabinet (?) from Finn.no, for freeeee:D I guess one man's garbage is another man's treasure! Me and T just collected it now:) The other little treasure is from my sister, she bought it for me in China, she knows me well;)
Thomas made Minestrone soup yesterday, mmm delish!! Yesterday I came home from night shift, slept, ate soup and went out to "Fisk and Villt" with Thomas and Kyrre. We danced to reggae all night long (Kimm and his brothers where dj'ing: they did a very good job:) It was a great night with good ppl and good music!
Suddenly I realized how the state of things in our home the last weeks has just deteriorated..I need now to get away from the computer and do some serious cleaning!!
I was interviewed by the local paper from my hometown(www.gjengangeren.no)yesterday and it was published in today's issue, It's fun (and a little bit weird) to see one self featured like that!
copy and paste this to read the article: http://www.gjengangeren.no/article/20090306/NYHETER/294653988/1042
On top of the telly (which by the way is dead) and homemade kitch on top of a card from Ruth66. Im working nights and retouching during the day, so not so creative with the bloggzz.. Puss!
"Imagine that you are creating a fabric of human destiny with the object of making men happy in the end... but that it was essential and inevitable to torture to death only one tiny creature ... And to found that edifice on its unavenged tears: would you consent to be the architect on those conditions? Tell me, and tell me the truth!" - Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov
Experienced Dostoyevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov" at the national theater tonight, loved it! Existentialism, beautiful scenery and great lighting! Very inspiring!!