I have started a new project, a portrait-series. Using film again, and ooooooh Im so in love!! Mr.Hassie I have missed you...alot!! I never want to work with anything else ever again! Can't believe I left you for so long:(
I ♡ making stuff and so does my friend and partner in crime Anja (www.anjadahle.blogspot.com), together we have a little project going but it is still fresh so I will tell you more about this soon;)
Time to make some space.. I have to much stuff I know...but ahhh I just can't through away/give away/sell certain dresses or bags..too much love involved...!!
My weekend: lying flat watching dvd's and crocheting.. Being pregnant can drive you a little crazy some days, worrying about everything, not knowing what is normal and what is not..so happy that you cry in one moment and the next terrified that something is not the way it should be. Guess it's this way for every one the first time;P
Ultrasound today, everything was fine with Olivia (if that is in fact her name, we shall see;) She is getting stronger and is mostly awake when her mother wants to relax or sleep;)
Our Kitchen, a christmas present for myself from Finland: Marimekko cup, a grapefruit on our kitchen table, my breakfast. My plan for today: work on some crocheting projects for me and Anja's future online store♡♡, pack my bag for London trip this weekend:D