

The season for flea-markets has started, I looove going hunting for treasures!!
This time we found a Luxo lamp, a doll for Olivia, a big basket and a small basket(the orange one in the last picture) for her toys.
Any hot tips on flea-markets coming up in Oslo?


  1. Im sure you already know of this site. www.loppemarked.info
    I'm also very excited for fleamarket season, but not so happy about all this snow today!

  2. Oh I love visiting thrift stores and finding treasures too! Haven't been to many flea markets, but I bet they're just as fun, if not more!

  3. Lisa: Thanks, yes I know about the site:)
    Ahh I know, the snow so annoying..was very ready for spring now, not more snow!!:(
    Cassandra Marie: I love both thrift stores and flea markeds, but I think Flea markets are my favorite, just love to dive into piles of stuff and suddenly find something, so exiting:)

  4. Beautiful treasures you have found. Love the blue lamp.

  5. Ooh, such a lovely finds ! That lamp is so beautiful, as well are the baskets.

  6. When and where are these great Flea-markets.
    I want to go!

  7. Så fine funn!! Mulig vi var på det samme loppemarkedet, siden det ikke var mange å velge i :)
    I morgen er det heldigvis flere!!
    Loppemarked.info er allerede nevnt, den siden sverger jeg til, samt lokalavisen :)

    Ha en fin helg!
    Klem fra Stine

  8. Thanks:)
    Stine: Ja det er mulig, og det er iallefall mulig vi ses utover sesongen, da må vi slå av en prat;P Hihi:) Ha en fin helg du og Stine:)

  9. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog! I always think norwegian bloggers must hate me cause I tend to moan about Norway so your kind words mean a lot to me!! Har en veldig bra helg!

  10. Loppemarked er det beste som finnes! Digger den blå lampen :) er på jakt etter noe lignende selv.

  11. the baby's legs are sticking out of the basket in the first picture, how cute!
